What is the APC exam pass rate?

The Australian Pharmacy Council (APC) exam is a crucial step for pharmacists seeking to practice in Australia. It assesses the competency and knowledge of pharmacists to ensure they meet the standards required for safe and effective practice. One common question among aspiring pharmacists is, "What is the Australian Pharmacy Council exam pass rate?" In this article, we will delve into this topic and provide insights to help you understand the exam's pass rate and how it impacts your journey to becoming a pharmacist in Australia.

What is the Australian Pharmacy Council Exam?

Before discussing the pass rate, it's essential to understand what the APC exam entails. The APC exam, also known as the Intern Written Exam (IWE) or the Competency Assessment of Overseas Pharmacists (CAOP) exam, depending on the candidate's pathway, is designed to evaluate a candidate's knowledge and skills in pharmacy practice. It covers various areas, including pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacology, pharmacy practice, and therapeutics.

APC Exam Pass Rate: An Overview

The pass rate for the APC exam varies each year and depends on several factors, including the exam's difficulty level, the preparation of the candidates, and changes in the exam format or content. Historically, the pass rate for the APC exam has ranged from 60% to 80%. However, it's important to note that these figures are approximate and can fluctuate.

Factors Influencing the Pass Rate

Several factors can influence the pass rate of the APC exam:

  1. Preparation: Candidates who invest time in thorough preparation and utilize study resources effectively tend to have higher success rates.
  2. Exam Difficulty: The level of difficulty of the exam can impact the pass rate. Some years may have more challenging questions, affecting overall pass rates.
  3. Changes in Exam Format: Any modifications to the exam format or content can influence the pass rate, as candidates may need time to adapt to new styles of questioning.
  4. Candidate Background: The educational background and experience of candidates can also play a role in their performance on the exam.

Improving Your Chances of Passing

If you're preparing for the APC exam, here are some tips to improve your chances of success:

  1. Comprehensive Study: Cover all areas of the syllabus thoroughly and use a variety of study materials, including textbooks, online resources, and practice exams.
  2. Time Management: Develop a study schedule that allows you to cover all topics and allocate time for revision.
  3. Practice Exams: Take practice exams to familiarize yourself with the exam format and identify areas where you need improvement.
  4. Seek Support: Join study groups or seek guidance from mentors or tutors who can provide insights and advice.


The pass rate for the Australian Pharmacy Council exam is an important consideration for aspiring pharmacists. While it varies from year to year, understanding the factors that influence it and adopting effective study strategies can improve your chances of success. Remember, preparation is key, so focus on building a solid foundation of knowledge and skills to achieve your goal of becoming a registered pharmacist in Australia.

Last modified: Monday, 11 March 2024, 10:22 PM