Failed the APC exam?

If you have failed the Australian Pharmaceutical Council (APC) Exam, you will need to wait a certain amount of time before you are eligible to retake the exam. The waiting period depends on the number of times you have previously failed the exam. If this is your first failure, you will need to wait at least three months before you can retake the exam. If you have failed the exam twice, you will need to wait at least six months before you can retake the exam. If you have failed the exam three or more times, you will need to wait at least one year before you can retake the exam.

During the waiting period, it is recommended that you review the syllabus and study materials provided by the APC and focus on the areas where you struggled on the exam. You may also want to seek guidance from a mentor or tutor to help you prepare for the exam. It is also important to maintain your professional development by continuing to practice as a pharmacist and staying up to date with developments in the field.

Last modified: Monday, 11 March 2024, 10:37 PM